Submit A B3 Product Review & Get A $10 B3 Gift Card!

We want to offer you a $10 gift card to B3 in exchange for a video review of your B3 products!

All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Grab your phone or a camera that can record video.
  2. Record your video review of a B3 product.

    To qualify for the gift card you must include the following elements in your video

    a) Your video must be at least 30 seconds long.

    b) Mention B3 by name.

    c) Clearly show your face and our product.

    d) Review our product (how you use it, why you love it, your shopping experience, etc.).
  3. Email us your video.

    Use the subject line: B3 Product Review
    Send to:

    By emailing us a video review, you are agreeing to allow us to use your video on our social media and other marketing channels.

    If you are not okay with this, then please do not submit a video review.
  4. Get your free $10 gift card!

    If your video meets all of the requirements above, we'll send you a gift card within 72 hours.

    If you have multiple products and do a separate video review for each product, you can double or triple your gift card earnings!

That's all there is to it! 

We hope to see your beautiful face in our inbox.